World War One Centenary

Posted on in General News

By Jeffrey Donaldson MP, Chairman NI Centenary Committee.

As we gather this weekend to commemorate those who gave their lives in two World Wars and in other conflicts, 2014 is fast approaching and with it the centenary of a war that undoubtedly shaped the history of the island of Ireland for the remainder of the 20th Century.

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Tackling the Sinn Fein Agenda

Posted on in General News

There is an irony that Raymond McCartney of Sinn Fein began his assessment of unionism by looking backwards. Amongst the attempts at self-justification and flailing claims about leadership it has been the constant tendency amongst republicans to spend their time looking backwards which has been a feature of recent months.

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Reflecting on the legacy of the Belfast Agreement

Posted on in General News

Whilst we do not forget the dark past in Northern Ireland, we also have to look to the future and that is true of 1998. The fifteenth anniversary of the Belfast Agreement is an opportunity to examine the impact it had on Northern Ireland, but unfortunately there are some who wish to cling to it and refuse to let politics and society move on beyond something which few teenagers in Northern Ireland can even remember.

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